Best Training Aircraft

There are several excellent options for training aircraft, each with their pros and cons. We'll review a two of the most popular options to help you select the right plane for your training.

"Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price."

Amelia Earhart

Aircraft Options

Cessna 150/152

Image of Cessna 152

The classic Cessna 150/152 model aircraft is the quintessential trainer. Economical, tame on the controls, and safety are all this aircraft's strongsuit.

Pros of this aircraft for training include cheap rental rates, 5.5 GPH fuel burn, and easy flying. Learning to flying the 152 translates directly to the larger Cessnas such as the 172 and the 182.

Cons are the usuable load and cruising speed. With it's 107 knot cruising speed, don't expect to get those cross country flights checked off in record time. And don't expect to carry much. In fact, depending on you and your instructor's weights, you may not even be Available to run at full fuel. The cabin of the 150/152 can also feel very cramped and may be uncomfortable for all be the smallest pilots.

152 Specs

Cessna 172N

Image of Cessna 172

Available for rent at almost every airport, the Cessna 172 is not just a larger version of it's 152 bretheren.

Pros of the 172 include a much greater usable load, higher cruise, a roomier cabin, 4 seats, and a better panel suitable as an IFR trainer. You'll be able to fill the tanks and be more comfortable on those long flights.

Cons of this aircraft are few. With still economical by most standards, the 172 does burn 8 GPH versus the 152's 5.5. Rental rates will be slightly higher on average as well.

Making the Decision

The major differentiator in training aircraft is cost. No one wants to spend more money per hour training than is neccessary. The skills you develop in one aircraft directly apply to another so it's recommended to learn in the cheapest aircraft that you can find. Less dollars means more flying.

For more information or other aircraft options, visit AOPA's excellent page on selecting the proper trainer.

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